田島 浩一郎
Kouichiro TAJIMA
# Works in Shin-On-Gak (Music)
# Works in Shin-On-Gak (Graphic)
Pubis Angelica
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Early Project (-2023)
My work began as an attempt to extract music that were hidden in ordinary sounds from field recordings and in sounds of radio waves. Eventually, I developed a method to convert field recordings into MIDI data, which evolved into an attempt to reconstruct music by mechanically tuning normally occurring sounds into 12 equal temperament.
Project A (2023ー )
My current work is to develop the method of converting field recordings into MIDI data further, and to reconstruct the essence of traditional Japanese music into contemporary music. The essence of traditional Japanese music, which was omitted in the Meiji era by a music educational institute belonged to the Ministry of Education, could not be contained in do-re-mi (12 equal temperament).
# Since 2024, I have been taught the Gidayu Shamisen directly by Gidayu Shamisen player 鶴澤津賀花師匠.
Project B (2023- )
Another area of my work is the exploration of "art and science" in expression. It includes arguments about AI, which I have been involved in since my days as a student at an art university. My exploration has much to do with the opening sentence of Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s essay "L'Œil et l'Esprit ".
”comme on voit dans l’idéologie cybernétique, où les créa- tions humaines sont dérivées d’un processus naturel d’information, Si ce genre de pensée prend en charge l’homme et l’histoire, et si, feignant d’ignorer ce que nous en savons par contact et par position, elle entreprend de les construire à partir de quelques indices abstraits, ... puisque l’homme devient vraiment le manipulandum qu’il pense être, on entre dans un régime de culture où il n’y a plus ni vrai ni faux touchant l’homme et l’histoire, dans un sommeil ou un cauchemar dont rien ne saurait le réveiller.”
*Maurice Merleau-Ponty L'Œil et l'Esprit, P.10 Gallimard, 1964
#Some of the works within this project are powered by SUNO, Udio, and Google AI Test Kitchen Music FX's generative AI technology.
The logo of each company is displayed on those works.
Project C (2024- )
plus loin ...
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Work Note
OpenAI JukeboxをGoogle Colabにインストールする操作手順メモ
Jukebox自体はApril 30, 2020で開発は止まっている模様。
具体的な対応は、Google Colabに記載しておきました。
Google Colab
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